Thursday 27 June 2013

Anticalcare Heating Element

Anticalcare Heating Element adalah elemen panas generasi terbaru dengan PLUS Technology dari Ferroli Globe R&D Center di San Bonifacio Italy. Paten teknologi ini mengurangi secara signifikan terbentuknya kerak di elemen panas sehingga efisiensi pemanasan tinggi, hemat energi dan performa selalu seperti baru.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Sejarah Ferroli

San Bonifacio (Verona) 1958. Five hundred natural gas fuelled boilers for council housing in Verona represented the first major order for the young company, Ferroli, run by the brothers, Dante, Leonardo and Luigi Ferroli.
Sons of Dante Ferroli, founder of the company bearing his name, avant-garde pioneer with an intuitive vision of future developments in the home and industrial heating market.It was uphill all the way, drawing on the experience of the Ferroli family from Italy's Friuli region with its great iron and copper working tradition. But it was Dante Ferroli alone who was destined to remain at the helm of what would later be defined as the "heat bank" par excellence.


PT ATHERON INTERNATIONAL adalah anak perusahaan dari PT. Draco Internasional yang bergerak dibidang distribusi produk pemanas air merk Ferroli dari Italia.